Anti-Bully Pledge Cards

Rise Up Against Bullies - Pledge Cards

With the help of our partners at America's Footprints, Optimus and team are on a mission to encourage children to rise up against bullies. The owners of Optimus use the power of their Prime to spread a message of hope and inspiration for people of all ages, starting with an anti-bully pledge that dozens have already signed up to support!


"I understand that I may not always get along with everyone, and that those I once considered friends may turn against me or attempt to make me sad. But no matter what, I will remain respectful of others and their feelings.

I will not bully or tease anyone. I promise to take the high road at all times, but I will also stand up for myself without enticing bullies when they try to antagonize me in person or online. And if I see someone getting bullied, I will take appropriate action to stop it.

Bullies have no power over me. They can not hurt me.  They will not hurt me. And I will never let them stop me from living my life and pursuing my dreams."

Interested in hosting our anti-bully presentation at your school? Click the button below!

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