Thank you for your interest in booking one of our entertainers. This page contains the basic requirements and general costs for hiring Team Prime. ALL RATES ARE IN USD. PLEASE NOTE: the rates listed below are strictly for informational purposes only. Please contact us directly and we will collect the information we need to accurately quote an appearance at your show!
We currently boast an online following of over 1.4 MILLION ORGANIC FANS (and growing). This becomes a new advertising market for your event when we announce our pending appearance via multiple formats (email, website, text, and social media). When booked, you will also become the exclusive host for Optimus up until your event! With the exception of school presentations & private visits, no other public event appearances will be scheduled in your community in the time leading up to your show. We have successfully partnered with over 300 events across North America, and have the references you may need to back us.
Must measure at least 40’ L x 20’ W x 14' H on rigid, cement, macadam pavement, compacted gravel, or solid turf only. Outdoor space is acceptable, but indoor spaces are highly recommended. Indoor booths also require a 14’H x 12’ W entry door, 1 chair and 1 power hookup. We will provide cones and chains for a safety barrier.
An INDOOR wash area or garage we can use to clean Optimus is required, as close as possible to the venue. Examples include a truck dealership, DOT garage, or a fire department that you have connections with. (Please note: we do not wash or clean Optimus outdoors, nor do we take him to public truck washes.)
An INDOOR garage to store Prime overnight during non-event hours is usually required. Entry door must be at least 14'H x 12'W. This condition typically only applies to events greater than 90 minutes from Monroe County, PA. or to events and appearances that span across multiple days.
*Appearance fee may be discounted for charitable events and VIP experiences. ROUNDTRIP MILEAGE STARTS FROM MONROE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Daily stipend is a combined total of travel, non-travel, cleaning, and show days. Hotel expenses are NOT included. Complimentary 3.5+ star hotel may be requested. Our flat rate MINIMUM charge for ALL appearances, regardless of location or theme, is $975.00 per day. If the combined total of the fees above is less than this amount, the minimum charge will apply. NOTE: fees for anti-bully school visits are different, and can be located here.
This is for a 1-day OUTDOOR EVENT in Essex Cty, NJ:
$425.00 APPEARANCE (1 show day) +
$344.00 MILEAGE ($2.15 / mile x 160 miles roundtrip) +
$390.00 STIPEND (1 event day + 1 cleaning / travel day)
GRAND TOTAL = $1,159.00